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Exclusive Offers
For the most favourable rates and exclusive special offers, it's best to book directly with us. By doing so, you'll avoid third-party fees, benefit from personalised service, and have access to promotions not found elsewhere. Choose the wise option and get in touch with us directly for the ultimate booking experience.
Exclusive Members Rates
Sign up to our Exclusive Members Rates and get an additional 5% off your stay. Those that book direct also have the flexibility to amend their reservation (even if booked on a non refundable rate) and have free access to work space at CitySpace Borough whilst staying with us
Terms & conditions apply.
Best Rate Guarantee
Here at CitySpace, we ensure that you're getting the best value for your stay, with our Best Rate Guarantee.
The best price, when booking direct.
Terms & Conditions apply.
Exclusive workspace special offer
Speak with us for competitive rates for long-term workspace contracts.
Terms & conditions apply.
Buy a gift voucher
Our CitySpace gift vouchers are now available for purchase and what's most exciting is they give the purchaser a further 10% off of the value! Give the gift of a CitySpace stay to a loved one for their special occassion. The vouchers are available to use across any of our hotels, apartments and studios!
Terms & conditions apply.
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